Marketing Tips for Photographers!

April 07, 2019 0 Comments

Marketing Tips for Photographers!-Plymouth Cards

Photography is a highly populated art form that is loved by many. However, it can be difficult to stand out from the others, especially when you are new in the industry! Here are some marketing tips from us about how to get your photography noticed.

1. Create a Website

Make sure that you have a website where customers can find you and see your photography. Make sure to include areas to contact you for information and how to book a shoot. 

2. Make a Google My Business Page

You can set up a Google My Business Page for free and gain access to Google Analytics! This is such a helpful tool for understanding your target market, traffic patterns to your website, bounce rates, and more! 

3. Be Active on Social Media

Be sure to have a Facebook and Instagram page at least! Even consider starting a Pinterest account to engage with users. For Instagram, find photography accounts similar to yours and follow the people who are following their pages. They will get a notification about you following them and check out your page, many will even follow back!

4. Be a Guest Blogger on Popular Blog

Use your knowledge and experience with photography and write blog posts to be featured on popular photography blogs. This way their followers will see your name, tips and photographs. It's a great way to reach more people.

5. Have a Photoshoot Giveaway

Give a photoshoot away for free! Have people like your social media pages and share a post of yours to be entered in the contest. This will help you gain some traction. After the photoshoot, ask the person who won to write you a testimonial about how the photoshoot went and tag you in the pictures that they post. This will help get some backing behind you which will make others want to book sessions with you. 

6. Have a Blog of Your Own

Write your own blog featuring your experiences and photos. You can then showcase your blog on social media for other people to find you, relate to your experiences and follow your journey.

Have any other marketing tips for photographers? Comment them below! Have you tried any of these tips and have them work/not work? Let us know below in the comments as well!
