Clarence 2022 update & Dog Bone Fun cards - week 114

August 24, 2022 0 Comments

Clarence 2022 update & Dog Bone Fun cards - week 114-Plymouth Cards


Hey, how are you today? I am Lisa here at Plymouth cards running a few minutes late, but I'm here. I hope you're doing well. I am doing great today. Another bombing day here in sunny, Florida, and, you know, feel free to say hi, let me know where you're watching from. Like I said, I'm in plant city, Florida.

And I am here at Plymouth cards. So today I wanted to just , give you an update on Clarence. So, let me see. So Clarence 2022 is. You know, Alan's been sending me pictures, so he's almost done. So I just wanted to show you again what it looks like. So this is Clarence 2022. he has his suitcase with his, , luggage tag has his name on it.

Clarence the Snowman ornaments

And it also says travel or bust on the shape of the us. And it has right where my finger is right here. It says north pole, and then it has mountains down mountains right there. So, I, I will be receiving these next week and then all the pre-orders will ship. , the following the, we're gonna work labor day weekend, packaging them all up and then getting 'em out to you the week.

Labor day week. So, yeah. So if you wanna get in on them, I'm still taking pre-orders they're all on the website under ornament snowman, and I have 11 different colors. I just have this one sample color. So this is Crimson and we, as usual, we have all the different ribbon colors too. So that is the update on Clarence.

I I'm really excited. And also stay tuned. So if you, , haven't bought the other two years, I am gonna be doing a package set, a little bundle, so you can get, you know, I have this, 2021 in a variety of colors and then 2020. It doesn't, it doesn't have the year on it, but I think it's pretty evident what year it is and that one has, fewer colors available.

So I am gonna be putting together a bundle over the next few days, and then I will announce a year on the Facebook page as well as in the email email first. And then it will go out to the Facebook page. So, yeah. So stay tuned for that. If you haven't signed up for the email list, I feel like this is a little high today.

If you haven't signed up for the email. You can just go to the website and scroll, well, there'll be a popup that will say, you know, you can join and do that. And that's where you get a lot of, you know, special offers and things that I don't post here per se, because. Yeah, I don't wanna inundate you with so much.

So, , we do an, , I do an email once a week and then it goes out a couple times. So there's that? And yeah, so I am just so thrilled with Clarence and what do you think? Oops. And I just drop something, of course but I love. You know, I just love the luggage tag. I just, yeah, I think the whole thing. Oh, and he's holding his passport.

I forgot to say that. So he's got his passport and it says 2022 right here on the scarf. it'll be here next week. Pre-orders will start, I'll start packing those and then they'll ship out the week of labor day. So, yeah, and if you're, I'm gonna just pick this up, but if you are just joining, make sure you say hi, let me know where you're watching from.

It's always fun to see, where everyone is from and, you know, Years ago. I did a map just to see like where people were purchasing and, you know, Clarence, he went to all 50 states plus DC and, , he went to Puerto Rico and then we actually had people buying him from Canada and then people were buying him in the us and then shipping the hymn all over.

All over the world. So that was really fun. , what else do I have to tell you today? Oh, so the Clarence just BEC, just in case you haven't bought Clarence before our snowman ornament, it does come with this card says, excuse me, it, it has all the little snowman on the front. And then on the back, it just gives the story of Clarence and then the three different.

So that's included now with every ornament. So we didn't originally do that because we didn't, I'll be honest. We didn't know what we were doing. So, , when we first started selling the ornament, I'm just so therefore now there is this story card that goes with every single one, I, and solely, but surely I am writing stories or information about all the other ornaments, like the, the heart state ornaments here.

We. These are our hard state ornaments, as well as the ugly sweater ones that have states on it. So I include like a little fun facts about the state, you know, like when the state entered, they became a state and what their song is like, no one knows where their state song is. Maybe you do, but I don't do, you know, your state song, let me know.

so fun. Little things like that. I include. So, , so I've been doing that solely, but shortly for all the ornaments, which I think is a nice little touch for your gift recipient. And so there's that. So I wanted to show you that, and then the ornaments as well, if in case you're new, the ornaments will come in one of these four bags.

It just depends on what I have in stock at that time when we're packing the orders. So, , yeah. Yeah. So the other thing I wanted to talk about was, , the dog bone fun Christmas card, and I made a mistake, which is a bummer, but. I am only, , I'm only gonna, I only have about 300 of these cards and that's for the whole season.

Christmas and Holiday cards

I, when I , ah, some and I can't order more because it would cost more to make them than it than I actually sell the cards for. So it's just not worth it, unfortunately. So they're gonna have to wait till the next time I do cards, which I'm so sad about, but if you have your heart set on this card, I wouldn't delay in ordering what happened is the.

Cat one is so close that I thought my inventory was dogs and it was cats. So all so mad. I am. Yeah, I'm mad at myself. I don't know if you guys have reduced stuff like that, but that's what happened. So I have plenty of cats and hardly any dogs. so there's that story? So bomber, but you know, we'll just get through it.

We have so many other designs. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it something out, but excuse me. But if dogs are what your heart is set on, I would get those sooner than later. Since, like I said, I'm gonna do account, , this weekend, but in my guesstimations, I have just about 300 of them, which is not a lot, which is a.

but so that's, that's the story on the dog bone fun cards. I have plenty of everything else though. So, , you know, that's just the way it goes. Sometimes you miss make mistakes. I, hate it when I make a mistake like of this magnet for me, for of this magnitude, you know? , so. That that's my little sad story.

It's not the end of the world. I know, but it's just a bummer when, you know, I'm so excited when people are excited about getting their cards. And now I, I hate when a customer calls and I have to say, sorry, it's out of stock. So, and, , that happened last year. So I've ordered, Holly. We ran out. I've never, ever, ever run out of things cuz I always order more than I sold the year before just to always have a buffer.

And we hunt, I sold literally every single Holly card I had here. So this year I ordered double I'm like, well at least if I, I won't run out and I'll have some for next year, if that, if that's how it works, but I, oh, I feel so bad when I run out of things, you know, I hate disappointing. So that's the story, but, but that's what I've got for today.

I just wanted to quickly just give you an update on Clarence that you know, he's arriving next week. So then he'll be shipping the week of labor day as promised. Yay. And, , so if you, oh, and if you've, I know I have a lot of pre-orders look at all of these pre-orders. So if you are one of the pre-order people and you wanna add anything else onto your order, Please email me or call me and we can add it on.

And that way you don't have to pay any extra shipping. You just pay that one $5, which is a great savings for you. So yeah, if you forgot somebody or you forgot something else that you wanna add, I've had a few people doing that. That's why I meant to bring that up. So yeah, absolutely. I can add on anytime, just like I said, pop me an email with what you wanna add on then what happens.

I email you an invoice for payment. I do not have access to your credit card information to charge your card. , that's something either you have to call me over the phone with the number or pay through the invoice that I would email you. So that's, that's the ways to do it. That's the, the ways to add onto your order.

Anyway. All right. If you have any questions about Clarence or the cards or anything else in this, like, look at this shop, you've got so much stuff going on in here, you know, feel free. put a comment in the comments and I'll be happy to answer them and yeah. , stay tuned. Tomorrow's the email will go out in the morning.

If I have my act together, otherwise it'll go out in the afternoon. We'll see how I go, how it goes for me. And yeah, I thank you so much for being here and saying hi. All right. Have a great rest of your day and I'll chat soon. Bye.